On Wednesday, April 25 the National Center for Disability and Journalism partnered with Ability 360 and the Arizona Developmental Disabilities Planning Council to host a workshop titled “Improving Disability Communication” for local public information officers.
The goal of the workshop was to introduce public service employees to disability communication topics, styles and perspectives.
Activities included tutorials about disability language style and tips on making digital media accessible. Participants heard insightful testimonies from people with a variety of disabilities as well as local reporters who shape mass media stories.
Agency representatives at the workshop came from Department of Economic Security, Department of Transportation, State Parks and Trails, Department of Health Services and many others. A similar workshop is planned for September 21 at ASU’s Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication in downtown Phoenix and host local journalists and public relations executives.
![NCDJ Director Kristin Gilger introduces participants and event coordinators at the start of the April 25, 2018 "Improving Disability Communication" workshop at Ability 360. About 30 workshop attendees sit around a horseshoe-shaped table facing three large projection screens.](https://ncdj.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/2018-April-NCDJ-Workshop_01-1024x532.jpg)
![30 participants in the "Improving Disability Communication" workshop sit around a large horseshoe table listening to NCDJ Director Kristin Gilger, a petite blonde executive, explain the upcoming activities.](https://ncdj.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/2018-April-NCDJ-Workshop_02-1024x420.jpg)
![Tessa Ringo, a brunette woman in a blue dress, and her adolescent son Aiden, who has brunette hair and glasses and uses a wheelchair, describe their experiences discussing disabilities with acquaintances and reporters. They sit amongst a row of panelists and Tessa holds a portable microphone near her mouth.](https://ncdj.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/2018-April-NCDJ-Workshop_03-1024x768.jpg)
![NCDJ Director Kristin Gilger stands in front of 3 project screens leading a tutorial about disability language styles.](https://ncdj.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/2018-April-NCDJ-Workshop_05-1024x768.jpg)
![Loren Worthington (left) and Jennifer Longdon lead a tutorial on digital media accessibility and appropriate visual elements for disability stories.](https://ncdj.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/2018-April-NCDJ-Workshop_06-1024x829.jpg)
![Local reporters sit together behind a large table speaking towards the workshop participants. Panelists include including Maria Polletta, Amy Silverman, Kathy Ritchie and Morgan Loew.](https://ncdj.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/2018-April-NCDJ-Workshop_07-1024x679.jpg)